

Provided quality music and service in Winnsboro Texas listening room.

Established non-profit, acquired donated building, acquired support from mayor, gathered donations, restored building, created acoustics, recruited entertainment, acquired sound equipment and lighting, planned bi-monthly concerts, planned refreshments, negotiated contracts and rates, arranged entertainer travel, meals and accommodations, created marketing calendar,  created board and meeting outlines, adhered to non-profit requirements. Published art magazine to promote concerts and events.


Utilized an all-volunteer workforce, booked and managed a 3-day outdoor festival, negotiated contracts, promoted, created ad copy and designed, booked entertainment, sold booths, hired caterer, gained permits, acquired grants, created theme and decorate, arranged street closures, assisted with alcohol permits, booked portolets, created rainy day agenda, blocked off parking, recruited volunteers, created agendas for workers separately from attendees, hosted talent contest, gather prizes.